Tuesday, March 30, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Tyro (tI-row) (noun):

   1. Someone new to a field or activity.

 Don't give him such a hard time; he's still only a tyro.

 Blitzkrieg (blits-kreeg) (noun):

 1. A swift and violent military offensive with intensive aerial bombardment.

Deccan Chargers captain Adam Gilchrist on Sunday said Harbhajan took the game away from them with his blitzkrieg.

Monday, March 29, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Lucre (loo-ker) (noun): Monetary gain; profit; riches; money; - often in a bad sense.

 He made his lucre by selling food to the penniless.

 Fealty (fee-uhl-tee) (noun):

    1.    Fidelity; faithfulness.

    2.    The obligation or the engagement to be faithful to a lord, usually sworn to by a servant or a slave.

Out of fealty to his boss, who had hired him after no other employer would, John stayed on with the struggling company.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Impeccable (im-pek-uh-buhl)  (Adj): Faultless, perfect.

His impeccable technique, along with sheer mental toughness, wears down the best of the opponents.

Tussle (tuhs-uhl) (noun):
Any vigorous or determined struggle, conflict.

The tussle between the Ambani brothers has been going on for over 3 years now.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Pluvial (ploo-vee-uhl) (Adj):

 1)    Of or pertaining to rain

 Pluvial lakes often provide us with a rich source of minerals.

  Dearth (durth) (Noun):

  1)    Lack, scarcity, inadequacy esp. of food

 There is currently a severe dearth of food due to the famine that has struck the western states.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Laud [lawd] (verb) : to praise; extol.

Maharastra politicians laud Sachin for his record double ton.
Feral [feer-uhl] (adjective) : of or characteristic of wild animals; ferocious; brutal.

A man was stabbed to death by a feral gang.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Dolt (do'wlt) (noun): A person who is not very bright.

To reprimand an obstinate fool or to preach to a dolt is like writing upon the water. — Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931)
Ludicrous  (loodukrus) (adjective): Broadly or extravagantly humorous (because of obvious absurdity or incongruity); resembling farce; inviting ridicule.

It is ludicrous to call a cottage a mansion.

Friday, March 19, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Defiance (di' fI uns) (noun): A show / act of boldly resisting authority or an opposing force.

 In a show of defiance ignoring all criticism, BSP chief and Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati was again on Wednesday garlanded with currency notes said to be of the value of Rs 18 lakh.

Tatters  (taturs) (noun): A torn and hanging piece of cloth or paper; a shred; Torn and ragged clothing or paper; rags.

After Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati, a Bihar MP, was welcomed with a garland of currency notes. But there was a difference since the expelled JD(U) MP Ejaz Ali found the garland in tatters no sooner it was put around his neck on Wednesday. The notes, totaling an estimated Rs 1 lakh, was slowly plucked out and snatched by unidentified people. Ali was being honored by his supporters for opposing women's reservation Bill after his arrival at Patna airport.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Desolate(desuh-uh-lit) (adj): Sad and forlorn; bereft of friends or hope.

The players looked desolate after their team's demoralizing loss in the finals.

Destitute(des-ti-toot) (adj):  Without means of subsistence; lacking food, clothing, and shelter.

Sevalaya, a registered Charitable Trust, runs a free home for the poor, orphan and destitute children.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Abnegate (ab-ni-geyt) (Verb):

1)    To refuse or deny oneself some rights or conveniences etc., reject, renounce, give up, relinquish

The minister abnegated the luxuries of life.

 Splurge (splurj):

1)    [Verb] To indulge oneself in some luxury or pleasure esp. a costly one

She really splurged on shopping for new clothes when she visited the mall last time.

2)    [Noun] An ostentatious display esp. an extravagantly expensive one

Their wedding turned out to be splurge of delicious food items from all over the world.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Prolix (proh-LIKS) (adj):

1.       Extended to great, unnecessary, or tedious length; long and wordy; verbose.

2.       (of a person) Given to speaking or writing at great or tedious length.

 The author's prolix style has done nothing to encourage sales of the book.

 Eschew (es-CHOO) (verb):

 To abstain or keep away from; shun; avoid

 We won't have discussions with this group unless they eschew violence.

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Rambunctious (ram-buhngk-shuh s) (Adj): Difficult to control or handle; wildly boisterous.

 Here's parenting advice for stay at home moms who need to rein in a rambunctious kid and minimize the damage

Rant (rant) (verb): To speak or write in an angry or violent manner.

Musharraf's ranting against India's membership of the UN Security Council has angered India to the extreme.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Demure (dih-myoor) (Adj):

1)    Characterized by shyness and modesty in manner or behaviour

 The most beautiful aspect of Usha's personality is that she is demure but not an introvert.

 Mortify (mawr-tuh-fahy) (Verb):

 1)    To humiliate or shame, as by injury to one's pride or self respect

Australia suffered a truly mortifying defeat at the hands of Bangladesh in one of the matches of the previous World Cup cricket tournament.

2)    To subjugate the body, passions etc. by abstinence, ascetic discipline or self-inflicted suffering

After joining the army, Ramesh had to undergo a mortifying ordeal as part of the de-sensitization process practiced there.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Spook (spook) (verb):  Frighten or scare, and often provoke into a violent action 
The fact that just 282 seats are open, is spooking our male MPs.
Prevalence (pre-vu-luns) (noun):

1. The quality of prevailing generally; being widespread

2.  A superiority in numbers or amount

Studies confirm world over that prevalence of cancer in women is higher than that in men.

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Hospice (hos-pis) (noun):  A house of shelter or rest for pilgrims, strangers etc.

Mother Teresa opened the first hospice for the poor & dying in the space made available by the City of Calcutta.

  Suffrage (suhf-rij) (noun):

 1.    The right to vote, esp. in a political election.

2.    A vote given in favor of a proposed measure, candidate, or the like.

 In 1919, poet and political activist Sarojini Naidu headed a small deputation of women to England to present the case for female suffrage and demanded the inclusion of women in the Indian government.


Monday, March 8, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Filibuster(fil-uh-buhs-ter) (verb): Obstruct deliberately by delaying.

Senate Republicans that they would try to filibuster a massive Pentagon bill that funds the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, an unusual move that several acknowledged was an effort to delay President Obama's health-care legislation.

Spar(spahr) (verb): Dispute; to bandy words about in argument.

The trademark spat between the companies controlled by the brothers, who have been fighting a legal battle over natural gas, is interesting because it is the first time they are sparring over trademarks.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wend (wend) (verb):

1. To pursue or direct (one's way).

2. To proceed or go. To move slowly and not directly.

The thieves then wended their way through the dark back streets to the docks.

Subpoena (suh-PEE-nuh) (verb):

To order someone to go to a court of law to answer questions or to produce documents.

A friend of the victim was subpoenaed as a witness by lawyers representing the accused.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Alacrity [uh-lak-ri-tee] (noun) : Cheerful readiness, promptness, or willingness

We accepted the invitation with alacrity.

Aisle (ahyl) (noun) : A walkway between or along sections of seats in a theater, classroom, or the like.

I had the whole airplane to myself, so I decided to run through the aisle!
