Friday, December 30, 2011

SUSPECT: [Word Powers] Today's Words ***Friday Frolic ***  (Gallivant /Asthenic )

Gallivant (gal-uh-vant, gal-uh-vant) (Verb)

1. To wander about, seeking pleasure or diversion;

2. To go about with members of the opposite sex.

“It is not prudent for the children to go gallivanting through the woods at night.”


Asthenic (as-then-ik) (Adjective)

1. Weak.

2. Having a slight build or slender body structure.

 “Tch, tch," DeCastros said, "Can anyone really be so asthenic as you seem, Mr. Wordsley?”

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words (Marquee/Relent)

Marquee (mahr-kee)

1. A tall roof like projection above a theater entrance, usually containing the name of a currently featured play or film and its stars. (Noun)

2. Superlative; headlining: a marquee basketball player (Adjective)

  ShahRukh Khan has a big movie, “Don2” which hit the marquee last Friday.       

Relent (Verb) (ri-lent)

1. To soften in feeling, temper, or determination; become more mild, compassionate, or forgiving.

2. To become less severe

Showing no signs of relenting, Anna Hazare on Monday said he will go ahead with his three-day fast in Mumbai from tomorrow against a "weak" Lokpal Bill with his team.

Monday, December 19, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Hitherto (hith-er-to) (Adverb)

1. until now or until the point in time under discussion

2. Archaic to this place or point

"The weather, which had hitherto been sunny and mild, suddenly turned cold."


Asinine (as-uh-nahyn) (Adjective)

1. Extremely stupid or foolish

2. Devoid of intelligence

"The Japanese sometimes speak very asinine about their family. This is because, although secretly proud, they do not want to appear boastful."

Monday, December 12, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Bassinet (bas-uh-net) (noun):

1.    A basket with a hood over one end, for use as a baby's cradle.

2.    Bed specifically for babies

"On many domestic and nearly all long distance flights, most airlines provide a bassinet to adults travelling with an infant"


Romp (romp) (verb):

1.    To run or go rapidly and without effort, as in racing.

2.    To win easily.

"Warriors romp to 50-run victory over Redbacks."

Thursday, December 8, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Boscage (bos-kij) (noun):

A mass of trees or shrubs.


The cat rescued from the boscage was taken to the pet care center.        

Weald (weeld) (noun):

Wooded or uncultivated country.


He enjoyed the drive across the quiet rolling countryside of the weald.

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Felicity (fi-lis-i-tee) (noun)

1. The state of being happy, especially in a high degree; bliss

2. A source of happiness.

"What more felicity can fall to creature, than to enjoy delight with liberty"         

Redolent (red-l-uh nt) (adjective)

1. Having a pleasant odor; fragrant.

2. Odorous or smelling (usually followed by of)


"This room is redolent of country flowers"

Monday, December 5, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Brew (Verb) (broo)

1. To contrive, plan, or bring about

2. To make (beer, ale, etc.) by steeping, boiling, and fermenting malt and hops


Tension is brewing once again between the government and internet and social media companies over the telecom and IT ministry's demands to screen user content and remove offensive material before it is uploaded.             

Frondescence (Noun) (fron-des-uns)

1. Leafage; foliage

2. The process or period of putting forth leaves, as a tree, plant, or the like


What we found were three hundred pristine, mostly level acres with a forty-five-acre pond, completely undeveloped, covered with exquisite wildflowers and frondescence.

-- Paul Newman, In Pursuit of the Common Good

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Sprightly (adjective)(sprahyt-lee)

Animated, vivacious, or gay; lively.


The ballerina stepped sprightly across the stage.             


Insouciance (noun)( in-soo-see-uhns)

1. The quality of being insouciant

2. Lack of care or concern


I told him the news, so I was rather taken aback when he reacted with such insouciance as if nothing had happened.

Monday, November 28, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Ruction (noun) (ruk-shun)

1. A noisy fight

2. Disturbance, uproar


The ruction outside the door prompted me to investigate what was going on.   

Impugn (verb) (im-pyoon)

To assail by words or arguments; oppose or attack as false or lacking integrity


The group has launched a series of negative campaign ads impugning the character of leading candidate.

Friday, October 21, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Lissome [lis-uh m] – Adjective

1.    Bending or moving gracefully or with ease and lightness; lithe, supple, limber, agile, etc.

2.    Lithesome or lithe, especially of body; supple; flexible.

"Daniel Browning Smith boasts the title of "the most flexible man alive" and regularly pushes the limits of his lissome body." 

Surreptitious [sur-uh p-tish-uh s] – Adjective

1.    Obtained, done, made, etc., by stealth;

2.    Secret or unauthorized; 

"He watched her surreptitiously as she waited at the bus stop."

Monday, October 17, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Repudiate (ri-pyoo-dee-eyt) – verb

1. To reject as having no authority or binding force

2. To cast off or disown

Repudiate any claim without our written consent.


Cynic (sin-ik) – noun

A person who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions and who disbelieves in or minimizes selfless acts or disinterested points of view

I'm quite a hardened cynic when direct mail drops through my door.

Friday, October 14, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Resplendent (ri-splen-duh nt) – Adjective

1.    Shining brilliantly

2.    Gleaming

3.    Having great beauty and splendor

"The tiny hummingbird was resplendent in its iridescent coat." 

Stentorian (sten-tawr-ee-uh n, -tohr-) – Adjective

1. Very loud or powerful in sound.

2. Uncommonly loud

"The uproar in the hall was suddenly silenced by the deep, stentorian admonitions of the vice principal"

Thursday, October 13, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Etiology (ee-tee-ol-uh-jee) (noun):

1. In Pathology the study of the causes of diseases.

2. Any study of causes, causation, or causality, as in philosophy, biology, or physics.


Research underway to elucidate the etiology of diabetic micro vascular disease has revealed new targets for drug design.               

Titubant (tich-oo-buhnt) (noun):

A disturbance of body equilibrium in standing or walking, resulting in an uncertain gait and trembling.


The world is still quivering and titubant under the shock of the attack on the Twin Towers in September 2001.

Monday, October 10, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Euphoria [yo?o'fôre?] -  Noun

1.    A feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness.

2.    Affective state of exaggerated well-being or elation.

"The euphoria of success will fuel your desire to continue. "


Galling [ˈgȯ-liŋ] – Adjective

1. Markedly irritating.

2. Obsolete rubbing painfully; chafing.

3. A severe form of adhesive wear which occurs during sliding contact of one surface relative to another

"I always find this question galling, for some reason."

Friday, October 7, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Audacity (aw-das-i-tee) – Noun

1.    Boldness or daring, especially with confident or arrogant disregard for personal safety.

2.    Effrontery or insolence

3.    Shameless boldness

“His student’s audacity shocked the lecturer.”  


Dearth (durth) – Noun

1.    An inadequate supply or scarcity.

2.    Dearness of food; famine.

 "By contrast, many cities have a dearth of affordable rented accommodation.”

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Emeritus (ih-mer-i-tuhs)-Adjective

Retired or honorably discharged from active professional duty, but retaining the title of one's office or position

Set to celebrate his 80th birthday on October 7, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu has dedicated more than 50 years to fighting social injustice at home and abroad.      

Consort (kon-sawrt) – Noun

1. Music

   A. A group of instrumentalists and singers who perform music, especially old music.

   B. A group of instruments of the same family, as viols, played in concert.

2. A husband or wife; spouse, especially of a reigning monarch.

3. One vessel or ship accompanying another.

Consort music enjoyed considerable popularity at court and in households of the wealthy in the Elizabethan era.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Annie Oakley (noun) (an-ee-oh-klee): A free ticket

The sales representative gave her client a pair of Annie Oakleys to the golf tournament.               

Ruction (noun) (ruk-shun): A noisy fight, disturbance, uproar

The ruction outside the door prompted me to investigate what was going on.

Monday, October 3, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Ambidextrous (am-bi-dek-struhs) - Adjective

1. Able to use both hands with equal facility.

2. Unusually skillful; adroit.

3. Deceptive or hypocritical.

“Neman could play the guitar easily because he was ambidextrous.”


Juxtaposition (juhk-stuh-puh-zish-uhn) –Noun

1. The act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side, especially for comparison or contrast.

2. The state of being close together or side by side

"Juxtaposing the two essays revealed the huge differences in the author's viewpoints.”

Thursday, September 29, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Caveat (kav-ee-aht) – Noun

1. A warning or caution

2. Admonition.

3. A legal notice to a court or public officer to suspend a certain proceeding until the notifier is given a hearing

“Lindsay's counsel issued a caveat to allow her client to gather enough evidence before they appear in court.”


Incognito [in-kog-nee-toh, in-kog-ni-toh] –Adjective

1. having one's identity concealed, especially to avoid notice or formal attentions.

“John, hoping to not be recognized, travelled incognito disguised as a street vendor”

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Reiterate (ree-it-uh-reyt)- Verb

To say or do again or repeatedly; repeat, often excessively.

Could you reiterate your question please?


Apparition (ap-uh-rish-uhn)– Noun

1. A ghostly figure; a specter.

2. A sudden or unusual sight:

3. The act of appearing; appearance.

We were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Horrendous (ho-ren-des) - Adjective

1. Causing horror

2. So extremely ugly as to be terrifying

Horrendous explosions shook the whole city.   

Stupendous (stoo-pen-des) – Adjective

1. Of astounding force, volume, degree, or excellence; marvelous.

2. Amazingly large or great; huge

Superstar Shahrukh Khan whose dream project 'Ra.One' is up for Diwali release, wishes stupendous business for his film akin to the recent ones that had a dream run at the box office.

Monday, September 26, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Sentient (sen-shuhnt)- adjective

1. Having the power of perception by the senses; conscious.

2. Characterized by sensation and consciousness

The living knew themselves just sentient puppets on God's stage           

Refulgent (ri-fuhl-juhnt)– adjective

Shining brightly; radiant; gleaming.

Standing by the edge of the sea, they witnessed a refulgent sunset.

Friday, September 23, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Bauble (baw-buh l) – Noun

1.    A showy toy or trinket of little value; trifle

2.    Spherical ornament made of colored or decorated material which is hung from the branches of a Christmas tree

“The Christmas tree was adorned with baubles…”           

Ethereal [ih-theer-ee-uh] –Adjective

1.    light, airy, or tenuous

2.    Extremely delicate or refined: ethereal beauty.

3.    Heavenly or celestial

4.    Pertaining to the upper regions of space.

“Nicole looked ethereal with her veil floating, like a vision in white.”

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Irrefragable (ih-ref-ruh-guh-buhl) (adjective):

1. Impossible to refute; incontestable; undeniable;

2. as, an irrefragable argument; irrefragable evidence.

The prosecutor painstakingly built an irrefragable case against the accused in the recent CWG scam.      

Acme (ack-mee) (noun):

1. The highest point of something; the highest level or degree attainable.

The Himalayan landscapes are considered to be the acme of beauty.

Monday, September 19, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Virid (vir-id) - adjective

Green or verdant: the virid woodlands of spring.

The lake was virid with bright algae on the surface.        

Crass (kras)– adjective

1. Without refinement, delicacy, or sensitivity; gross; obtuse; stupid: crass commercialism; a crass misrepresentation of the facts.

2. Archaic. Thick; coarse

Jenny's mother was horrified by the crass behavior of the young man whom her daughter had befriended.

Friday, September 16, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Senescent (si-NES-uhnt) – Adjective

1. Growing old

2. Aging.

“During summer, when there is no rain for months, the forests become littered with dry senescent leaves and twinges, which could burst into flames ignited by the slightest spark”       

Aplomb [uh-plom, uh-pluhm] -Noun

1. Imperturbable self-possession, poise, or assurance.

2. The perpendicular, or vertical, position.

“The Queen spoke with great aplomb when delivering her speech”

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Forage (fawr-ij) (noun, Intransitive verb, transitive verb):

1. (n.) the act or instance of searching for fodder or food

2. (intr.v.) to wander in search of provisions or food

3. (tr.v.) to collect supplies or provisions

Their forage for food was a failure as they returned empty-handed.      

Culvert (kuhl-vert) (noun):

1. A sewer, drain or channel

2. A bridge or embankment over such a drain

Uncovered culverts are dangerous in the monsoon season.

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Juxtapose (verb) (juhk-stuh-pohz): to place close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast.

Juxtaposing the two essays revealed the huge differences in the author's viewpoints.  

Solace (noun) (sol-is)

1. Comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or distress; consolation.

2. A source of comfort or consolation.

Through her message, rich and poor alike have felt inexplicably drawn into the mercy and solace of God's tender embrace.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Callow (adjective) (kal-oh): Inexperienced or immature.

Rohan, a young callow musician was trained rigorously for seven years to become the famous musician that he is now.

Finicky (adjective) (fin-ih-kee)

1. Extremely or excessively particular, exacting, or meticulous in taste or standards

2. Requiring much care, precision, or attentive effort

Andrea found it challenging to come up with ideas for healthy meals that her young son, a finicky eater, would enjoy.

Monday, September 12, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Raze (reyz) - verb

1. To tear down; demolish; level to the ground: to raze a row of old buildings.

2. To shave or scrape off.

They would raze our cities, leaving not one stone upon another.              

Cogitate (koj-i-teyt) – verb

To think hard; ponder; meditate: to cogitate about a problem.

After cogitating for a while, she decided to buy the dress.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Braird (braird) (verb):

To sprout;  appear above the ground.

Oats require about a fortnight to braird in ordinary weather.      

Nebulize (neb-yuh-lahyz) (verb):

1. To become vague, or indistinct.

2. To reduce to a fine spray.

The child was nebulized to alleviate his suffering from asthma.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Deify (dee-uh-fahy) (Verb):

1) To make a god of; exalt to the rank of a deity

The people deified their beloved king.

2) To adore or regard as a deity

It would be a mistake to deify wealth.


Mezzanine (mez-uh-neen) (Noun):  

1) The lowest balcony or forward part of such a balcony in a theater; also a low story between two other stories of greater height in a building

The number of people that showed up at the opening night of the theatre was so great that the caretaker was concerned about the structural integrity of the mezzanine which was fully crowded with people.

Monday, September 5, 2011

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Squander (skwon-der) (Verb):


1. To spend or use (money, time, etc.) extravagantly or wastefully (often followed by away).

2. To scatter

The foolish man squandered his life savings on fast cars and booze.        


Snap (snap) (Verb):


1. To act or move with quick or abrupt motions of the body

2. To break suddenly, especially with a sharp, cracking sound, as something slender and brittle

Snapped up within hours, the club was packed by the time the band opened their set.