Thursday, July 29, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Indoctrinate (in-dok-truh-neyt) (verb): to instruct in a principle or ideology, to teach or impress upon, to influence with an ideological point of view

The professor indoctrinated the students with his principles.    

 Colossal (kuh-los-uhl) (adjective): of enormous size

Egypt is well known for its colossal pyramids.

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Surly (sur-lee) (Adj): Churlishly rude or bad-tempered; hostile; menacingly irritable; irascible; gruff

The old landlady was in a surly mood and when the kids asked if they could have their football back, she stuck out her tongue at them and told them to forget it.


Avant garde (uh-vahnt-gahrd):

 1)           (Noun) The advanced group in any field, esp. in the visual, literary, or musical arts, whose works are characterized chiefly by unorthodox and experimental methods

The Tripoli theater house is truly avant garde in the usage of mime.

2)            (Adj) Of or pertaining to the experimental treatment of artistic, musical, or literary material

Avant garde cinema sometimes almost touches the boundaries of surrealism.

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Asperity (uh-spair-uh-tee) (noun) : Harshness or sharpness of tone, temper, or manner; severity;

When asked to make a contribution, Roger glared and said with asperity, "I gave at the office."


Conn (kahn) (verb) : To conduct or direct the steering of (as a ship).

The captain successfully conned his ship through the ice-packed waters.

[Word Powers] Today's Words]

Metamorphosis (met-uh-mawr-fuh-sis) (noun):

1.            A complete change of form, structure, or substance.

2.            (Biology) A profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism.

Due to the large change from larval to adult form, the insects are said to undergo complete or complex metamorphosis.


Tranche (trä n sh) (noun):

1.            A portion of something (especially money).

2.            (Economics/Finance) A portion or installment, esp. of a loan or share issue.


The project was organized to deliver the first tranche of object records by April.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words]

Impedimenta (im-ped-uh-men-tuh) (noun): Baggage or other things that retard one's progress.

The terrorists were stripped off their impedimenta at the airport.          

 Acedia (uh-see-dee-uh) (noun): Sloth, Laziness or indifference in religious matters.

 Five thousand people yawning in their cars intimidated by the cops and bored to acedia by the chant of the politicians.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words]

Caprice (kuh-prees) (Noun):

1)A sudden, unpredictable action, change, or series of actions or changes

A hailstorm in July is a caprice of nature.

2) A tendency to change one's mind without apparent or adequate motive; whimsicality; vagary; fancy

                With the caprice of a despotic king, he alternated between kindness and cruelty.


Pristine (pris-teen) (Adj):

  1) Having its original purity; uncorrupted or unsullied; undefiled; untouched; free from dirt or decay

The tourists were enchanted by the pristine beauty of lake Moraigne.

2) Of, relating to, or typical of the earliest time or condition; primitive or original

The giant sequoia trees found in some parts of America possess some of the most pristine microscopic life forms in the world.



Monday, July 19, 2010

[Word Powers]Today's Words

Inception (in-sep-shun) (Noun):

1.   An event that is a beginning; a first part or stage of subsequent events.

Since the program's inception, over 2,40,000 students have participated.            

Stupefied (s(y)-toopu-fI-d) (Adjective):

1. As if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise.

2. In a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock.


Pavan was stupefied with astonishment after seeing his cubicle decorations on his birthday.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Cohere (koh-heer) (verb): To stick together; be united; hold fast.

"I learned to slip back and forth between my black and white worlds, understanding that each possessed its own language and customs and structures of meaning, convinced that with a bit of translation on my part the two worlds would eventually cohere." – Barack Obama


Ebullient (ih-buhl-yuh nt) (Adj): Overflowing with fervor, enthusiasm, or excitement; high-spirited.

The award winner was in an ebullient mood at the dinner in her honor.

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Cranky (KRANG-kee) (adj):

 1.       Ill-tempered; grouchy; cross

           I'm always cranky when I don't get enough sleep.

2.       Strange and unusual

She's a member of a group that promotes cranky ideas about food and exercise.

Comeuppance (kuhm-UHP-uhns) (adj):

A punishment or retribution that one deserves.


He finally got his comeuppance for his misbehavior.

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Transpire (tran-spahyr) (verb): to occur,  take place,  to emit or give off (waste matter, watery vapor, an odor, etc.)

He made a note of everything that transpired in the courtroom.              

 Tourniquet (tur-ni-kit) (noun): A device, typically a tightly encircling bandage, used to check bleeding by temporarily stopping the flow of blood through a large artery in a limb.

The aim of applying a tourniquet is to block the flow of blood in the veins going back to the heart.

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Dipsomaniac (dip-suh-mey-nee-ak) (Noun):

1) A person with an irresistible craving for alcoholic drink; drunkard

Dipsomaniacs often find themselves in rather embarrassing situations after indulging themselves excessively.


Concomitant (kon-kom-i-tuh nt):

1)    (Adj) Existing or occurring with something else, often in a lesser way; accompanying; concurrent

The accident and the concomitant circumstances in which it occurred were investigated thoroughly by the police.

2)   (Noun) A concomitant quality, circumstance, or thing

The musical instruments played during the synchronized swimming event acted as the concomitants for the other events too.

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Factotum (fak-toh-tuhm) (noun) : A person, as a handyman or servant, employed to do all kinds of work around the house.

William, our factotum, is a thoughtful and kind boy.        

Parol (puh-rohl) (noun) :by word of mouth; orally.

The court considered the parol evidence by the witness in a corruption case.

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Gizmo (giz-moh) (noun):  A mechanical device or part whose name is forgotten or unknown; a gadget.

The new search facility has a neat little slider gizmo that lets you filter further still.


Vivify (viv-uh-fahy) (verb):

1.            To make alive; to animate.

2.            To make more lively or intense.


His remarks always vivify an otherwise dull story.

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Lucid (LOO-sid) (adj): Clearly expressed and easy to understand or (of a person) thinking or speaking clearly

She gave a clear and lucid account of her plans for the company's future.


Squalid (SKWOL-id) (adj):

1.       Foul and repulsive, as from lack of care or cleanliness; neglected and filthy.

2.       Wretched; miserable; degraded; sordid.

People living in squalid places is a common sight in Indian cities.

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Spangle (spang-guhl) (noun): a small circular piece of glittering metal or other material, any small, bright drop, spot

The room looked bright due to the sparkle and spangle of her evening gown.   


Extradition (ek-struh-dish-uhn) (noun): the surrender of an alleged fugitive from justice by one state, nation, or authority to another

India is determined to seek the extradition of the Pakistani-American terrorist David Headley from United States.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Velodrome (vee-luh-drohm) (Noun): A sports arena equipped with a banked track for cycling

The next Olympics will feature state of art velodromes where some of the top cyclists of the world will battle it out for glory.


Legion (lee-juhn):

  1)          [Noun] The major unit of the Roman army consisting of 3,000 to 6,000 infantry troops and 100 to 200 cavalry troops; an army

The Roman legion had lain waste to many a great city of the world during its prime.

  2)          [Adj] Any great number of persons or things; multitude

The holy man's faithful followers were legion.

[Word Powers] Today's Word

Nescient (NESH-uhnt) (adjective): Lacking knowledge or awareness.

 I am not nescient to the ills of Indian society and India's history.              

Esurient (i-SOOR-ee-uhnt) (adjective) : Hungry; greedy.

Rising land values have drawn droves of esurient developers

Monday, July 12, 2010

Word Powers Adjudicators

Manacle (MAN-uh-kuhl) (adj):

 1.       (noun) A shackle for the hand; handcuff.

 2.       (verb) To hamper; restrain

The poor performance in World Cup clearly showed that the English football team was manacled by the pressure created by the expectations of their fans.

Lurid (LOOR-id) (adj):

1.       Causing shock or horror; gruesome. Marked by sensationalism.

2.       Lighted or shining with an unnatural, fiery glow. Too brightly colored

 That's a very lurid shade of lipstick she's wearing.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Word Powers Adjudicators

Whelp (welp) (noun): the young of any mammal, a despised youth or an impudent young person

The lioness watched over her whelps as they playfully tumbled in the grass.


Interregnum (in-ter-reg-nuhm) (noun): an interval of time between the close of a sovereign's reign and the accession of a legitimate successor

After the king’s death, there was an interregnum of a month before the prince was officially crowned.