Tuesday, October 19, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Outlandish(out-lan-dish)(adjective) :Of or relating to another country; foreign

The author’s award-winning novels are noted for their lush, fantastical settings and outlandish characters. 

Hie (hye) (verb) : To go quickly;hasten

Every autumn, we hie ourselves down to the county fair for a day of greasy food and entertainment.




Thursday, October 14, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Gossamer (gos-uh-mer) (noun)

1.a fine, filmy cobweb seen on grass or bushes or floating in the air in calm    weather, esp. in autumn.

2.any thin, light fabric.

In the sunlight, her hair was like blond gossamer, fine and delicate.   

Halcyon (hal-see-uhn) (adj)

1.calm; peaceful; tranquil: halcyon weather.

2.happy; joyful; carefree: halcyon days of youth.

3.of or pertaining to the halcyon or kingfisher.

She claimed to have found the ideal cure for her stress-related ills: a quiet weekend in the halcyon atmosphere of a beautiful country town.



Wednesday, October 13, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Trepidation (trep-i-dey-shuhn) (noun): fear or apprehension,  tremor or a sudden, quivering motion

Scooby was trembling with trepidation at the sight of a ghost.   

Serried (ser-eed) (adjective): compacted, crowded or packed closely together

People get used to travelling in serried local trains in Mumbai.



[Word Powers] Today's Words

Couture (koo-toor):

1)[Noun] The occupation of a couturier; dressmaking and designing

The art of couture is undergoing a radical transformation thanks to the foreign exposure that the Indian designers have received of late.

2)[Adj] Created or produced by a fashion designer; being, having, or suggesting the style, quality, etc., of a fashion designer; very fashionable

We weren’t surprised to see the party goers wearing expensive couture clothes last weekend.

Ambivalence (am-biv-uh-luh ns) (Noun):

1)Uncertainty or fluctuation, esp. when caused by inability to make a choice or by a simultaneous desire to say or do two opposite or conflicting things.

Ambivalence in decision making can have a huge impact on our personal lives.



Monday, October 11, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Muzzle (mu-zul):

1.Prevent from speaking out (Verb)

2.A leather or wire restraint that fits over an animal's snout (especially a dog's nose and jaws) and prevents it from eating or biting (Noun)

The Opposition Janata Dal and Congress dubbed Speaker K.G. Bopaiah's move, under provisions of the anti-defection law, as "a ploy to muzzle democracy".

Mutilate (myoot-leyt) (Verb):

1. Destroy or injure severely

2. Alter so as to make unrecognizable

In terrorism it is all human victims who die or are mutilated horribly for no good cause.




Sunday, October 10, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Fete (feyt):

1. (Noun) A day of Celebration; Festive Celebration or Entertainment

 Deepavali is a great fete for Hindus

2. (Verb) To entertain or honor with a fete

 He decided to throw a party to fete the visiting clients.

Proliferate (pruh-lif-uh-reyt) (Verb) :

To grow or produce by multiplication of parts, as in budding or cell division

Arrest of  the tumor cells that proliferate is the ultimate objective of anticancer therapy


[Word Powers] Today's Words

Evanescent (ev-uh-nes-uhnt) (adj)

1. Vanishing; fading away.

2. Tending to become imperceptible; scarcely perceptible.

The fashions during these days are so evanescent that you can't hold on to a wardrobe for long.

Pyrrhic (pir-ik) (adj)

1. Successful with heavy losses

2. A victory that is offset by staggering losses

It will be termed as a pyrrhic victory wherein the considerable losses outweigh the gains.


[Word Powers] Today's Words

Travesty (trav-uh-stee) (noun):

A parody or grotesque imitation of a work of art that is serious in nature, a crude or ridiculous representation of something serious

The travesty of the classic play was banned.

Skirmish (skur-mish) (noun):

A fight between troops, any brisk dispute or encounter

The police had to intervene as the skirmish among the fans was getting out of hand.


[Word Powers] Today's Words

Eponymous (uh-pon-uh-muh s) (Adj):

Indicating the giving of one’s name to a tribe, place, thing etc.

Orkut Buyukkokten, the eponymous founder of the social networking site ‘Orkut’ is known to be one of the youngest millionaires in the world.

Dorsal (dawr-suhl) (Adj):

Of, pertaining to, or situated at the back or dorsum

The dorsal fin of the shark serves as a danger sign that can’t be missed by swimmers!


[Word Powers] Today's Words

Garner (gahr-ner) (verb):

a) To gather into storage, accumulate, collect

b) To acquire by effort : earn

Through hard work and a determination to see her students succeed, Ms. Taylor has garnered considerable respect from parents and her fellow teachers.

Minuscule (min-uh-skyool) (adjective) :

very small, (of letters or writing) small; not capital.

As the director of a tiny nonprofit organization, Julie is adept at managing expenses while working within the restraints of a minuscule budget.


[Word Powers] Today's Words

Demesne (dih-meyn): noun

1. possession of land as one's own: land held in demesne

2. the dominion or territory of a sovereign or state; domain

With the advent of the Early modern period, demesne lands came to be

cultivated by paid labourers.


Denouement (dey-noo-mahn):–noun

1. the final resolution of the intricacies of a plot, as of a drama or novel.

2. the outcome or resolution of a doubtful series of occurrences.

In Shakespeare's tragedies, the denouement is usually the death of one or more characters.
