Sunday, May 2, 2010

[Word Powers] Today's Words

Reign (reyn):

 1.       (verb) To be ruling a country. To be the main feeling or quality in a situation or person

The bomb attacks produced a panic which reigned over the city.

 2.       (noun) A period when a particular person, feeling, or quality is very important or has a strong influence

 His successful reign as manager of the team.
Rein (reyn):

1.       (verb) To control an emotion, activity or situation to prevent it from becoming too powerful. Followed by "in"

 We tried to rein in our excitement and curiosity.

2.       (noun) A strapped used on something, usually on a horse, to control it.

 You pull on both reins to stop or slow a horse, but only the left rein to turn left.

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